Monday, January 19, 2009

QB -16 marks pom



1. Explain the principle of F.W. Taylor theory.

2. Explain the Henry Fayol management theory.

3. What are the major functions of management explain?

4. Indicate the levels and skills of management.

5. Explain management is an art or science both science and art.

6. Indicate the roles of management by Henry Mintzberg.

7. Explain the contributions of Elton mayo and max Weber.

8. Explain the contributions of Mary porker Follett.

9. Describe the social responsibilities of management.

10. Explain the different types of Business organization.


1. Describe the various elements in planning.

2. What are different types of plans? Explain.

3. Give an account of various steps involved in planning.

4. Describe the different objectives of planning.

5. Define MBO. List out the features of MBO.

6. Explain briefly the benefits and weakness of MBO.

7. State and explain the eight recommendations that should considered by managers for successful implementation of strategies.

8. Discuss the factors for strategies policies and planning premises..

9. Explain modern approaches to decision making under uncertainty.

10. Write short notes on any 2 important modern approaches to decision making under uncertainty.

11. Define Decision Making and explain the process of decision making that affects the efficiency of the business decisions.

12. Define forecasting. Explain the techniques of forecasting.


1.Define organization. Explain the nature of an organization.

2. Give a brief account of at least six mistakes in organizing.

3. Explain how formal organization is different from informal organization. Illustrate.

4. How does a leader influence organization culture?

5. Discuss about the factors determining an effective span of control.

6. Define Departmentation. Explain the various Departmentation.

7. Explain the line organization with a neat sketch.

8. Explain the concept of functional authority. How do you delegate it/

9. Explain the concept of decentralization.

10. Briefly explain the factors determining the degree of decentralization of authority.

11. Define HRP. Explain the steps involved in HRP.

12. What is recruitment? Explain the sources of recruitment.

13. Define selection. Explain the steps involved in selection process.

14. What do you mean by performance appraisal? Discuss its need and importance in an organization.

15. Explain the different methods of appraisal system.

16. What are the methods of training?

17. Explain the ten steps in formulating career strategy.

18. What is peter principle? What do you think of it?

19. Explain in detail the various types of conflict. Give examples that are relevant to each type of conflict.

20. Explain the role and characteristics of OD.


1. Discuss the scope of directing.

2. What are the human factors in managing? Explain briefly each.

3. Discuss the various steps involved in creative process.

4. Describe theory X and theory Y.

5. What are some possible implications of theories X and Y, staffing, leading and controlling.

6. Enumerate the assumptions of Mc Gregor’s theory X and Y.

7. Define Motivation. Explain the maslow’s hierarchy needs.

8. Explain the concept Hertzberg two factor motivation theories.

9. What are the various types of motivation and explain each in detail.

10. Explain how motivation helps an organization to improve productivity?

11. Explain vroom,s expectancy theory.

12. Explain with neat flow diagram the porter and Lawler expectancy theories.

13. Briefly explain about the three types of basic motivating needs proposed by Mc cleeland.

14. Write short notes on the managerial grids.

15. Explain the different styles of leadership based on authority.

16. Explain the importance of strong leadership in the creation of cohesive work in an industrial organization.

17. Explain the qualities required for effective leadership.

18. What are the barriers to effective communication? Explain them.

19. Discuss the importance communication in a modern industrial organization.

20. What are communication barriers and suggest measures how communication be made effective?


1. What is controlling? Discuss its needs. What do you think about the characteristics of good control system?

2. Explain the steps in the process of controlling.

3. Explain the types of control.

4. Explain the steps involving the implementations of Budgetary control.

5. Explain the classification of Budget.

6. PERT is management technique of planning and control. Explain

7. planning and control are the inseparable twins of management. Explain.

8. Explain the role of MIS play at various levels of management.

9. What tools generally found in operation research have been widely used in production and operations management?

10. What are the effective steps for direct control and preventive control?

11. What are the factors affect the operations of the multi national enterprises? Explain.

12. What advantages do multinational corporations have? What are the advantages of MNC?

13. Explain a unified global theory of management?

14. Discuss about the general steps involved in the operation research procedure?

15. Discuss the factors determining span of control.

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